Hello and welcome to Construction Law Canada! This website is a labour of love, and my side-side-side project to my day job as a partner in McCarthy Tétrault’s commercial litigation group in Calgary, AB.
The purpose
The purpose of this website is to provide lawyers, industry professionals and interested members of the public resources, guides and commentary on topics relevant to modern Canadian construction law topics, covering (to varying degrees) all provinces. This is an opinion and commentary blog, not a law firm (although every contributing author on this website is a lawyer) and not a comprehensive database or final authority on any subject addressed herein. For a much more comprehensive review on any subject, I suggest one of the fine books referenced below and on the books page.
The website author - Bryan G. West
Please check out the bio’s for the many other talented contributors to this website below.

Bryan G. West, Litigation Partner with McCarthy Tétrault LLP
Background - Thomas G. Heintzman

This website was originally created by the late Thomas G. Heintzman, OC, QC, LLD (Hon.), FCIArb. Tom was a prolific lawyer, author, and arbitrator in the area of construction law. Among the many contributions Tom made to the area of construction law was his authoring of the seminal text, Heintzman & Goldsmith on Canadian Building Contracts, which he co-authored with Immanuel Goldsmith for 25 years until Mr. Goldsmith’s death in 2003.
Tom passed away in October, 2019, leaving an enduring legacy in many areas, including the book, Canadian Building Contracts, and this website. The contributors to this site acknowledge and thank Tom for his vast contributions and this legacy, and seek to continue to build and shape the terrific edifice that Tom worked to establish.
This site is published by Bryan G. West personally. It is not affiliated with McCarthy Tétrault or any of its clients. This also applies to any contributing author to this website.
This site is intended to be informational only and not for the purposes of providing legal advice. Nothing on this site should be understood to create any solicitor/client, contractual, fiduciary or other relationship.
No statements on this website constitute or are intended to be legal advice. There is no warranty or guaranty of the accuracy or completeness of any information on this website. There shall be no liability, in negligence or otherwise, for any damages whatsoever including special, indirect or consequential damages arising out of or in connection with the use of any information available on this website.In other words, if you really need some good advice, consult a lawyer.
As with my books and other publications, all errors noted on this website are, ultimately, mine. I am happy to hear from you if you have any questions or comments on the material contained herein.
Contributing Authors

Erinn Wilson
I am an articling student with McCarthy Tétrault in Calgary. I received my Juris Doctor from Thompson Rivers University, I also hold a Masters degree in Public Policy from the University of Calgary and a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from the University of British Columbia. Before attending law school, I worked for two years as a paralegal for a Calgary based law firm, where I worked mainly on large class action lawsuits.